Mission Accomplished! - San Francisco Fog

Although not uncommon, the AM fog in San Francisco is difficult to predict and requires some degree of serendipity. There are some moments that I want to witness firsthand and capture for myself. The scene of the fog rolling into the city and obscuring the Golden Gate bridge is one of these moments that I can cross-off my list now.

Prior to the trip, I checked in with a few friends / contacts about the conditions and was all told the same - good luck! I stayed for a total of four days and the first three were totally clear. I actually had no intentions to shoot on the final day, but woke up at 4:00 am looked outside of my Union Square hotel and could barely see the top of the buildings across the way. I immediately willed myself out of bed and into the cold dawn. On my drive over, I couldn’t even see the top of spires and really began to get excited. Exiting Alexander Avenue, turning onto Conzelman Road, I was racing with anticipation and upon arriving at the viewpoint, was amazed at the view. I wound up shooting at the lower viewpoint for an hour or so before making my way up to higher ground. I tried to stay true to the actual scene and it was quite marvelous to see in person.
